
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good times with Sadie

Sadie's been visiting, and when Grandma visits there's usually some kind of special little something pressed into my hand with a glint in her eye and an "I know you'll appreciate this, no one else is interested in a 60 year old knitting needle/old spoon/old book of crochet patterns (insert crafty thing here)".

And she's right, I am always in awe of that little piece of Grandma she shares with me. I treasure my spoon and every other little amazing treasure she has pressed into my hand over the years.

The treasure this time was different. It came in a bag! There was no sweet pressing into my hand, (actually there was one very, very special thing, but I'll tell you about that another time) no this time the bag was ceremoniously tipped on to the bench to reveal all manner of baking related GOODNESS!

Beautiful, faded old bottles of food colouring (maybe 40 years old or so) with amazing labels, artificial flavourings in incredible little bottles that look like old medicine bottles, an entire collection of piping nozzles of every shape and size, boxes of vintage birthday cake candles in the orignal boxes, un-opened - photos all to come.

But the piece de resistance, words-cannot-describe-how-amazing, was the handcarved, hand decorated "Old Time Train Set Candle Holder" - in ORGINAL box, thank you very much (see above photo).

Of course no visit from Sadie is complete without me pestering her for some tutorials on her secret recipes she's famed for in our family. This time round we did Chocolate Eclairs (I'm no longer a choux pastry virgin) and gem scones.

And I love that the Smurf is just as excited about the baking tutorials as I am.

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