
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I was thinking...

I was thinking about killing this space. Then I wasn't. Then I was. Then I just ignored it again.

I've been watching a few of my old blogging pals end their online space. I feel sad about that, although I know we're still connected via other means.

I've also been reading and watching and hanging in new spaces. New (to me), really inspiring spaces. Completely inspiring and hilarious spaces like Brittany's (you already hang out there, don't you?). And local creative spaces like Amanda's. And other inspiring places with local parents I already know but am not sure if I should link to.

It makes me want to hear my own voice again.

So, I'm not ready to say goodbye to this space. I like writing. I like this space. I think I'll stick around more. I don't have to be limited to only sharing crafty stuff. I can write other stuff, too. If I feel like it. I know, I know, I've said it all before.

Besides, I owe myself a post on being the Mother of a Daughter.

Actually, I can do that right now. It reads pretty much identical to this post, but where you read son/he/him substitute daughter/she/her.  Done *dusts hands*.

What next.....


  1. I've been having the same thoughts - but I do still enjoy sharing things and reading other people's blogs. It's nice to see you back here!

  2. I put my blog into a deep sleep. Deleted everything on my blog reader. And then came back, gingerly, to pretty well no audience. It's like I'm talking to myself which is actually AWESOME! I'm loving it (no pressure).

    Glad you'll be back occasionally. You've been missed.


What was that?