But I have been busy...

making christmas pudding - using my Great Nanna's recipe - we (Mum and I) tied one in calico and the other went into a basin. It was far less scary with Mum showing me how to do it. Can you believe my Grandma (we made her recipe last year) creams her butter and sugar by hand - not with a wooden spoon (like we did) but with her actual bare hand!!! Apparently the warmth of your hand helps to soften the butter. Maybe next year we'll do that Grandma!
AND making gift tags

AND organising christmas decoration swaps
these are mine

all packaged up - only went out in the post today

And the best part - receiving all the goodies from the deco swap!

A beautiful set of perspex christmas trees and mirrored stars

Can you tell what this is?

Shazmina, the wonderfully talented
crafter made these - I gave hints (by emailing her
the pattern!!)

A set of hand painted white baubles...
and the christmas stocking I made a couple of years ago,
following a tradition Mum and Dad set with a mini stocking each
for my sister and I, I made on for me, one for Mr SadieandLance
and one for Focaccia, our cat. A little present goes in them every year.
There are plenty more decos I have received, like a beautiful resin coaster, a gorgeous hand made calico angel, beautiful beaded hanging crystals (which I forgot to take a photo of because they moved after the great christmas tree falling of last Monday AND this Monday!), there's some beaded and felt holly on the way too!
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