But momentarily back to craft.

These have been gifted to Baby Eliza to be tried and tested to see how they hold up. She is so little that when I held them up against her last Sunday they looked like she'd be wearing them up round her armpits like an old man.
I didn't know you were in Sydney you sneaky woman!
Yeah, I know...sorry! I had guilt about it too - but every second was accounted for and I covered the length of Sydney just about before 10am on Saturday morning - then I drove to Port Macquarie stayed over night and drove back again. Yikes!
the scourge of the popular, hey :-)
hey lady. I meant to ask you what pattern you were using for these too. Or are you being brilliant and just making it up as you go? Would like to attempt to make pants to match the kimono tops.
I got the pattern from Beesnest. I'm not clever enough to make it up as I go, just rebelious enough to not want to follow the instructions properly (usually to my detrement!). I'll email you the link.
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