Friday, October 17, 2008

What's goin' on

Ric Rac goodies as part of a personal 'deal'. Oh and if you've haven't seen this yet, by gawd get clicking!

Two weeks ago, in a bit of a whirlwind, I started a new job. So far I'm enjoying the excuse to use big words like strategic and prospective rather than poo and wee. I even wear heels, and shirts that need ironing. Wow, I know. The downside is once a week I drive to the office which is in a land far far away. So far away that they sell chook food at the local supermarket. F.A.R.

So while I'm trying hard to do some craft - mostly related to the Smurf's new found status as a 'kid in childcare' - to be honest I've been having better luck diverting the incoming funds from the savings account to some purchases instead. Note to self: add spending to skills list in resume.

Thanks for the beautiful brooches Fii (hope you don't mind that I stole your photo?)

I'll be sure to wear mine to my next Mothers Group meet up! By the way thanks for all the support on that one.

And thanks for the delicious wool, Suse (I also helped myself to your photo)

Destined for the heads of any little girls gracing us with their presence next year.

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