Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Have just come back from the post office where I sent this bundle of goodies to the states to my Craftster swapper:

The idea is to send things from your country that the other person can't get in their country. I can safely say that she probably doesn't read my blog so I shouldn't be spoiling any suprises...So I sent:
  • 2 of our beloved native animals in plush (ironically made in china)cheesey I know but essential!
  • Some Aussie chocolate - it tastes different apparently
  • some AFL lollies - explaining that people in Victoria are AFL mad
  • A chomp bar (are they uniquely Australian even?!
  • some very cheesey postcards
  • an Aussie food mag
  • some Marta's yarns
  • some supermarket catalogues
  • some Tim Tams
  • and of course a jar of vegie (as in Vegemite).

I hope she likes it and appreciates the sense of humour employed when putting the package together!

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