Friday, September 02, 2005

AADC talent - not to be mistaken with ACDC talent...

lots of photos today

On the needles at the moment -

This is a special little cheer up pair of slippers (or knitted G-String as it looks in it's current shape) present for a member of the AADC who needs some cheering up at the moment. I want to hurry up and finish them while I have the momentum...I even knitted when i got home from the pub last night...haven't checked for dropped stitches yet.

Notice the pink - she has been on a campaign to get me to wear pink for some time now. I have to say her campaign has been so far mostly ineffectual...but at least I buy pink things now.

Evidence of AADC greatness.

This was a package from Ms Cat (I'll call her that here cause she's the worlds youngest cat-lady). Yes, she is a member of the AADC...but cause we love her - not becuase she's an attention deficient crafter. She's probably our best producer of finished objects...personally I think she uses her cats in some way to help her finish things off - that or Mr Cat...surely someone helps her!?

Can you believe that she had only just learnt to crochet when she turned out that little number above?

She had also been beading for the shortest time and she produced this gorgeous beaded butterfly

And she also found time to paint bee's on a pair of clover needles...such a talent!

My bee clovers are my needle of choice for slippers (which is the reason there is only one of the needles in the photo - the other needle has the slipper on it).

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