Sunday, June 17, 2007

What about Daddy Cool?

We went to a 3rd birthday party today and the theme was disco, complete with disco lights, a ceiling full of 100 helium balloons (apparently usually reserved for the privilege of 18th bdays only) and a room full of disco babes or should that be babies. It was lots of fun, there was lots of dancing and Bony M was a big favourite. The Bday boy is totally Daddy Cool and he knows all the words- even though he had to hide rest in the toy box for 20 minutes when the fun got too much. Bony M eat your heart out.

I bought some more wool. Did I really? Gawd what was I thinking I can't help myself!

Luckily it was a reasonabley small purchase, well from what I'm willing to show here it was.

And can anyone guess what this will become? If you get it right I'll make one for you too!


Anonymous said...

Go the 70's. Remember Bony M's song "River's of Babylon" had the words in the Bible. Finding those words was probably the most I've read of the bible. Ohhhhh the memories.....

Shazmina Bendi said...

I reckon you are making Zakka sacks?? Bony M was/is a Mac family favorite, loved bu both parents and siblings!! My favorites are Ma Baker & Daddy Cool!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess that you're making patchwork scarves.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking beanie myself.

nikkishell said...
