Whoops I lost the phone cable for uploading photos and on top of that I couldn't be arsed charging the camera batteries. Both photo outputting sources not outputting.
So here's a couple of the craft-related happenings that occurred during the time lost since I lost the cable/battery charging motivation.
Mr S+L, the knitting and I went for an outing to the tattoo shop. We stalked Sydney's best Sailor Jerry tattooist for weeks to work out when we could get in to see him. Don't freak, that one you see in the flash book above is not the one purchased. Oh and this time round it was his turn, not mine.
There was more first bday party action. The quilt top magically turned into an actual, real, no-fooling quilt (with the aid of a very late night, several beers and some last minute stitching while burning down the highway). Due to the stitching while burning down the highway, finished product photo opportunities were limited. So some evidence of the quilting (by machine) and the binding (my first ever proper binding, cause I've been a cheater till now):
The backing fabric (love this), oh and my hips (oolala) and the morning coffee
And a bit of the hand stitching to cover that fark up I was talking about (3 solid pieces all sewn up next to each other, despite endless testing of layouts on the floor)
OK, now I promise to be less half arsed about charging the batteries etc for a while at least.
PS I'm in a glam rock band!
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